1. A knife is a tool, not a toy.

  2. Know how to sharpen a knife. A sharp knife is a safe knife.

  3. Keep the blade clean.

  4. When you are not using your knife, sheathe it and put it away.

  5. Keep your knife dry.

Safety Rules

  1. A knife should never be used on something that will dull of break it.

  2. Be careful that you do not cut yourself or any person nearby.

  3. A knife should never be used to strip bark from a tree.

  4. Do not carve your initials into anything that does not belong to you.

knives are not toys

  1. I understand the reason for safety rules.

  2. I will treat my knife with the respect due a useful tool.

  3. I will not use my knife when it might injure someone near me.

  4. I promise to never throw my knife for any reason.

  5. I will use my knife in a safe manner at all times.

Knife Pledge

